Monday, August 16, 2010


This site will be my new blogging website now.

My old blog will be no longer used to to keep up-to-date you will want to look at this blog.

To get on the blog's email list,

And every time I make a post, it will automatically be sent to you.

School has Started

Hello everyone.

Today was my first day of homeschool in the 8th grade and I have to say it was very fun. Today was an "orientation" day where I got to learn the schedule and how the work organization and other things work.

I got to make my work notebook today where I will keep my work and I made it Ghostbusters themed. (My favorite movie).

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Welcome to Dak0ta Wagn3r V.2

An Upgraded Version of the original site,

This new blog will be dedicated to higher quality posts, more posts, and more info.

This purpose of this blog was to provide you with an easier interface when browsing my blog.
If you have any comments, feel free to comment at the "comment" bar at the bottom of this post.


Dakota Wagner